Portland Harbor Common Coming Soon!
The Portland Parks Conservancy has recently received funding to go directly into the creation of Portland Maine’s newest waterfront public park. WGME News, News Center Maine, and the Portland Press Herald have all covered the news. The design processes have just begun. Stay tuned for updates on the project here.
Portland Parks Recreation and Facilities
“Portland Parks Conservancy Awarded $2 Million in Omnibus Funding
Funding will support Portland Harbor Common Open Space Project
PORTLAND, Maine – The passing of the federal Fiscal Year 2023 Omnibus Appropriations Package approved funding for 140 Maine projects, including a project submitted by the Portland Parks Conservancy (PPC) earlier in 2022. PPC will receive $2,145,000 in support of the Portland Harbor Common Open Space project, a public open space on the harbor at the base of India Street.
“The Portland Parks Conservancy is committed to park equity and access, so we are thrilled that the new Portland Harbor Common will ensure recreational waterfront access to all the residents of Portland,” said Nan Cumming, PPC Executive Director.
PPC is currently working closely with City staff to create the first phase of the project. Located on Thames Street, between the Ocean Gateway International Marine Passenger Terminal and the Maine State Pier in Portland, the Portland Harbor Common project will transform a City-owned parking lot on the harbor into waterfront open space reserved for use by the public. It will also set the stage for the redevelopment of 11 acres of city-owned property on Portland’s Eastern Waterfront to public open space.
Project Background
PPC and the City of Portland partnered in 2021 to secure funding for construction.
The City of Portland held two public forums about the project in 2021, gathering valuable input and securing widespread support from the community.
In March 2022 the City Council unanimously approved $150,000 to support the costs of final design and engineering plans. Read more and see supporting documents on the City website.”
“This will kickstart redevelopment of 11 acres of city owned eastern waterfront property. A city owned parking lot will be transformed into a public open space at the end of India Street.”
“‘What makes the whole project so exciting is there has been so much development down around the waterfront over the past several of years and this is an opportunity to take a parking lot and turn it into a public park, so the people of Portland won’t lose touch with their own waterfront. We will have even better access to the harbor and all of those wonderful views and those recreational opportunities,’ said Nan Cumming, the executive director of the Portland Parks Conservancy.”
Nan Cumming being interviewed by WGME News.
News Center Maine
“The Portland Harbor Common Open Space Project plans to redevelop 11 acres of city-owned space between the State Pier and Fore Points Marina. This space will have walking and biking trails, trees, lawn areas, event space, and more.”
“Phase 1 includes turning the parking lot between the Ocean Gateway International Marine Passenger Terminal and the Maine State Pier into an open space to be used by the public.”
Portland Press Herald
“The city of Portland and Portland Parks Conservancy are working on the first phase of the Portland Harbor Common, which will transform a city-owned parking area between the Maine State Pier and the Ocean Gateway International Marine Passenger Terminal into an open space preserved for the public.”
“Design, permitting and the bid process for the project are expected to take place this year with construction starting in 2024. The parks conservancy is expecting the $2.1 million, in addition to $150,000 the city allocated last year for designing project, to cover the entire cost, though Cumming said a final price hasn’t yet been determined.
The project would be the first phase of a larger plan the city has been working on to redevelop public land on the eastern waterfront. In 2021, several private individuals came forward with ideas for creating open space, the city got involved and the parks conservancy agreed to take on fundraising.”
“‘We’re thankful for the federal funding and look forward to realizing the transformation of this underutilized city property into a more vibrant space for the public,’ said city spokesperson Jessica Grondin in an email.”
“Design for the first phase of the project is underway and details are not yet finalized, but Cumming said it will include ‘a lot of open green space’ and possibly a stage or plaza to serve as a performance space.”
Learn more about the Portland Press Herald’s views here: