Spreading mulch at Presumpscot Elementary School (August 2020)

Cleaning up Deering Oaks (September 2020)

Harbor View Park Clean Up (April 2021)

Exploring Fort Gorges after pulling invasive species (June 2021)
Filling industrial compost bags with invasive plants at Fort Gorges (June 2021)
Riverton Trolley Park (July 2021)
Gardening with the Friends of Trinity Park (July 2021)
Planting daylilies at Amethyst Park (July 2021)
Pulling swallowwort from the Eastern Prom (July 2021)

Back cove clean ups in the winter

Earth Day invasive plant removal in Canco Woods

New trees in Capisic Park

Team from the South Portland High School One Classroom Project in Canco Woods

Natural Resources Counsel of Maine Trash Run on the Eastern Prom

Planting understory plants Baxter Woods